Book Bolt: Selling Shovels to the Low Content Publishing Gold Rush

If you don’t often look for side hustles then you’ve probably never heard of low content publishing, but it has been growing for years.

What is Low Content Publishing?

Low Content Publishing is creating books that don’t require a lot of content. Instead of trying to write the next Harry Potter people create journals, sudoku, word searches or anything that doesn’t require a lot of content and the strategy is essentially to create dozens if not hundreds of versions to sell.

How Much Can You Make Publishing Low Content Books?

You can make money in this niche, but honestly you have to work hard to get noticed as there is so much competition. There are people who make $13,900 in a single month or others earning $20,000 but the majority of people are going to create a few versions which won’t sell at all and get discouraged. If you really want to make money in this field you have to create hundreds of versions and have eye catching slogans and art to bring customers in.

The benefit of this strategy though is that you can use Amazon’s service to create the books when they are ordered so you don’t have to hold any inventory at all. You create the file and then when someone orders a copy Amazon will make the book and ship it for you.

What is Book Bolt?

Book Bolt is a software package that is entirely focused on making low content books. It makes it extremely quick and easy to create journals, activity books or even coloring books that you can then publish on your Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing account.

So Why Is Everyone Talking About Book Bolt?

Affiliate revenue! The how to make money online easy is one of the juiciest niche’s for affiliate income and this opportunity is no exception. For every person that orders the subscription the person that sent them to Book Bolt will make 25% commission. The best part is that this happens as long as the account stays active.

So for example if a YouTube channel had 5,000 people click the link and 10% sign up then that YT creator would be making $1,250 per month assuming they all signed up for the cheapest tier of Book Bolt.

Is There An Opportunity Here?

Absolutely! But I’d like you to think bigger than jumping in with all the other sheep and trying to get rich quick with the next thing that is hot in the market. I want you to realize what Book Bolt is doing! They have found an amazing way to find customers. They are serving picks and shovels to the low publishing gold rush.

I think the opportunity is to copy the Book Bolt strategy in a different niche. Maybe it’s providing a simple interface to create royalty free music videos on YouTube. Or maybe it’s an online service that allows people to simply create their own supplement line with their own logo. The key is to create something that makes it easier for someone to start a popular side hustle. And then… create an affiliate program that is too good to ignore. 25% and recurring revenue. That is something to talk about!


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