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Building a Community Around Weight Loss and Working Out

With all of the focus on filters to make us look better and being instagram worthy I think it’s time someone brings us back to earth a bit. I think someone should create an app that lets people take a picture of themselves (from the neck down if they want) every day or week and then post their workouts and what they ate. When you click on someone it would roll into their journey and you could scroll up or down to follow what they did from the start, cheer them on or see how far they’ve come.

Then I think you could let people sell their workout plans, or do online live fitness class, etc. It could be a movement where instead of taking a fitness class from some jacked Adonis, who makes it seem like you can get a perfect physique from 15 minute HIIT workouts, you could work out with someone who is at your level.

I think there would be a market for a place where you can see someone who started where you are and had some success and then you could jump in a live workout with them or just see how they had success.

Interesting podcast

Check out Peter Attia's podcast on the Neuroscience of Obesity with Stephan Guyenet. I can only understand a quarter of it, but it’s fascinating.