Unrelated Shenanigans

I’m a bit annoyed. But it’s my fault. I joined Twitter. Now there’s tons of gold from genuine entrepreneurs and that’s why I joined. But then there’s the other stuff…

Like stories on how waking up at 4am is the key to success. If all you had to do was wake up at 4am to make $10 million per year there would be a lot more people seeing sunrises. There’s a line of thought right now that seems to distill success down to a formula. But there isn’t a formula for the big home runs and for some reason people think business is different.

For example lets just switch our thinking to working out and getting fit. Does getting up early help? Visualizing? Maybe. But what actually matters? Calories. Working out. Stretching. Every day for years. Ideas are great. But execution matters.

If you wake up at 4am great. But you have to do something. And I would even say the neighbor who wakes up at 9am, gets into the gym at 10am and stays there for three hours working harder than anyone else will probably pass you.

So stop looking for cheat codes. You’re not going to be Elon Musk by waking up early. If you’re optimizing water intake, stretching routines and vitamins you’re not going to make a difference. People making change in the world are obsessed with a cause. Musk wanted to transition the world to electric cars and make us a multi-planetary species. He didn’t look at his potential hires and tell them he woke up at 4am and did a quick meditation. He gave them a mission and then slept in the factory to show how he would bleed beside them.

So stop all this optimizing. Stop waking up early. Stop planking at 10am, noon and 2pm. Stop writing gratitude lists. If you want to make a difference then you won’t need a guidebook. You won’t need a marketing plan. You’ll be so driven that people will follow.

Just look at artificial intelligence and ChatGPT. Is Sam Altman answering question on what the fat content is in his yogurt? How many steps he takes in a day? If he’s vegetarian or vegan? If he sleeps with an eye mask? No. Cause that’s f’ing ridiculous. People are wondering what the heck he is actually doing.

So get to work. Focus on a problem worth noticing. And do you. If you’re worth talking about the world will find you.


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