Friday Frenzy

Interesting Business Stat: The Average Costco store sells $269 million in merchandise per year! Acquired has a great pod on Costco out this week.


Super interesting podcast about Scott Galloway, who is worth over $100 million, on how he spends his money ($200-400k/month).


Better instant ramen company selling $400k/month.


Nail glue selling $360k/month.


Stickers for kids to relieve itching or help sleep making over $6 million per year.


Curie, a clean deodorant and body care brand, selling in the tens of millions per year is launching in Walmart stores.


Gymshark built an apparel business to $128 million per year within six years.



All you can play arcades full of old games is an interesting idea.


Swedish people have porch brooms that can be used on your shoes or dogs paws. Interesting product.


Hanging Christmas lights can be lucrative.


Never heard of body marbling before. This could be a booth at festivals and events.


I think an AI service that not only pulls out summaries, but only includes new information from multiple sources would be useful.

Imagine you’re having a guest on your podcast and an AI pulls all the interviews, articles, etc. from all sources and highlights all the key points.


Direct to consumer space popsicles (freeze dried) anyone?


Apparently algae absorbs air pollution. I could see a home/office version being popular.


Home chef meals delivered to you. I’ve heard it’s super hard to do, but an interesting idea.


I think this would be a great newsletter. If you start it let me know and I’ll be your first subscriber.


Podcast idea on getting 80% of the way there from expert guests.


NetJets for farms, essentially a farm collective for wealthy people, is an interesting concept.


Chrome plug-in that places guided meditations in your calendar.


How is there not a pitching machine for little kids in retail stores?


Colmex makes workout structures for the outdoors, I think this could be an interesting business if you marketed it to home owners.



Ankur Nagpal Sells for $250 million


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